A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Description FR

Tommy est un petit poulpe de l'espace qui passe son temps à arpenter les donjons en quête des objets perdus par les monstres et les aventuriers ...

Aidez-le à rendre les objets à leurs propriétaires !

Un jeu réalisé en 48h pour la Global Game Jam de Strasbourg en 2021. Gagnant du Prix Philibert ❤ - Le thème était "Lost and Found".


Valentin Jacoberger (Twitter)

Antoine Lefevre (Twitter)

Antoine Klein (Twitter)

Assets utilisés

- Pirate Bomb by Pixel Frog (https://pixelfrog-store.itch.io/pirate-bomb) - 16x16

- Dungeon Tileset by 0x72 (https://0x72.itch.io/16x16-dungeon-tileset) - 16x16

- RPG Item Pack by Alex's Assets (https://alexs-assets.itch.io/16x16-rpg-item-pack)

Description EN

Tommy is a little space octopus who spends his time wandering around dungeons to collect items that monsters and adventurers have misplaced ...

Help him giving them back to their owners !

Made for the Global Game Jam (2021, Strasbourg) in 48h. Winner of the Philibert Prize ❤ - The theme was "Lost and Found".


Valentin Jacoberger (Twitter)

Antoine Lefevre (Twitter)

Antoine Klein (Twitter)

Assets used

- Pirate Bomb by Pixel Frog (https://pixelfrog-store.itch.io/pirate-bomb)

- 16x16 Dungeon Tileset by 0x72 (https://0x72.itch.io/16x16-dungeon-tileset)

- 16x16 RPG Item Pack by Alex's Assets (https://alexs-assets.itch.io/16x16-rpg-item-pack)


TommyTheFinder_macOS.zip 24 MB
TommyTheFinder_PC_1.10.zip 23 MB

Install instructions

Extrayez le fichier zip et lancez Tommy the Finder.exe

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